Thursday, June 26, 2014

Penelitian Daerah BOE 2014: Menjaring Debu

Ok, for three following posts, I will talk about my trip to Yogyakarta.

On 19th - 22nd June, I had a project with Badan Otonom Economica (BOE), a journalism organization I'm a part of. It was Penelitian Daerah, which is an annual program held by Research Division. Penelitian Daerah basically investigates about rural dynamics, mainly from economy perspective. For this year, Penelitian Daerah was held in Mount Merapi, in Kuwang, Randu, and Dongkelsari to be exact. We tried to examine about eating behavior of the households and facilities, after and before eruption of Mount Merapi. Actually, I was a manager of fundraising division for this project (which was a major failure ._.), but everyone should also take a part to survey.

We left University of Indonesia on 8 am of 19th June by a bus. One thing that crossed my mind was that the driver drove reallly realllly reaaaaaaaaaallyyy slow! Oh my god, can you imagine, it took about 18 hours to go to the location! Yes, we arrived at about 2 am of 20th June, I don't know for sure because I was straight to go to sleep. This why I prefer train rather than bus. We spent the night in Huntap Kuwang.

On the morning, on about 8 am, we woke up, took a bath, ate breakfast, etc, and after that we prepare for the survey. After Friday prayer (sholat Jum'at), we started to survey. I and my senior got a responsibility to find 15 households in Kuwang. But unfortunately, we only got like 6 households. There are a lot of household which were empty. The owners were still at farm or field.  On the evening, on about 9 pm, we did a focus group discussion with the locals. Initially, the fgd was held to draw a map for facilities distribution, before and after the eruption. But because the locals refused to be separated for groups (which I have expected), we didn't get the chance to make the map.

From the sample that I got (only 6 though lol), the hypotheses that I can make is that there's a slight change in eating habit of the people. There is a slight change in eating habit for vegetables and fruits. It is because before the eruption they grow their own vegetables and fruit on their field so they can eat them often. There is almost no change in eating habit for meats, spices, and others which they get on the market before and after the eruption. 

On the next day, 21st June, we finally came to the main attraction of Penelitian Daerah 2014. Yep yep, we went to have rafting in Citra Elo! Woohooooooooo. But before we went rafting on the afternoon, we had a little visit to Balairung first, a journalism organization of Universitas Gajah Mada. One thing is for sure that Balairung' office is a lot bigger than BOE's. The office building is basically a house which is actually an office for Balairung and another organization, but still it is a lot bigger that BOE. After visiting Balairung, we finally had rafting. I was in a same boat with Indira, Hana, Rilin, and Ridho. The thing is we were like the most idiot group ever. I mean, we had a evil plans to drag everyone off their boats but in the end we were the one who was attacked! From every sides! I and Indira even fell from the boat! lol. Though the river was reallllllllly dirty and there were a lot of people doing something on the riverbank (you know what I mean. lol), we really had a looot of fun! My seniors said that it was the best Penelitian Daerah they ever had. lol.

Ok, that is for this post (urgh I'm so tired writing for this post! lol). But it's not over yet, because I will post about my trips to Yogyakarta with Rilin, Hana, Usadhi, and Dita!



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