Saturday, July 5, 2014

Messy Adventure to Yogyakarta #1: Artsy Adventure

As I said before, I am going to tell you guys about my messy adventure to Yogyakarta.

After we had fun rafting, I, Hana, Rilin, Usadhi, and Dita finally decided to go to have a little more vacation in Yogyakarta. We spent our night in Hana's house in Kota Gede. Actually this decision was such a rush and risky decision. Just so you know, I, Rilin, and Dita hadn't booked any ticket to go back to Jakarta, which then ruined our vacation! duh. We, you know, felt soo anxious and afraid not getting the tickets. :( We didn't get that maximum utility (ahem! lol) on this vacation. In the end, I and Rilin took non-AC bus (argh yes, it was the only bus available!) and Dita took executive train (which was, of course, out of our budget annndd a loot faster than bus! Damn!). Usadhi took plane to go back to her hometown in Tabanan, Bali.

In this vacation we went to several places. The first one we went to Jalan Malioboro. Jalan Malioboro is probably the main icon of Yogyakarta. This place is famous as a market for Yogyakarta's original souvenir. The price is relatively cheap as this is considered as a traditional market. I only bought a tote bag priced Rp25.000,- and 3 boxes of bakpia (I tell you more on the next post!). I actually wanted to buy a pair of sandal, but nothing interesting. 

After sightseeing in Jalan Malioboro, we then decided to visit Pasar Beringharjo. Pasar Beringharjo is located in Jalan Malioboro. This place is famous for its batik products. I bought nothing in this place. We went there because Dita and Usadhi planned to buy some souvenirs for their family.

The next one, we went to Vredeburg Museum, which is also located in Jalan Malioboro. The museum was originally a Dutch fortress, established around 1776. The main attraction of this museum is its diorama which shows Indonesian heroes in struggling to take back our independence. 

We then visited Taman Sari. Taman Sari was initially a royal garden of sultanate of Yogyakarta. Actually, Taman Sari was very wide, but now, the only place well preserved is only the bathing complex in the central part. The surrounding now is used as a residential area which is called as Kampung Taman. (source: Wikipedia). One thing for sure, the architecture of the garden is very very amazing, though the place was considerably different with its initial design. What i mean, even the ruins is very beautiful. The initial architecture should be a lot more beautiful than now.

The last but not least, we (thankfully) got a chance to visit ART|JOG '14! ART|JOG is an annual art exhibition which shows contemporary artworks of local and international artist. It is, more or less, almost same with Manifesto series. The theme was "Legacies of Power" as this year will be a big political year with its president election. (source: ART|JOG website) Basically the art was a satire about Indonesia condition. Just so you know, I felt kinda gloomy so sudden as I saw the artworks. It felt like there are too many problems in Indonesia which I think it is impossible to be resolved. But, I hope the new government will bring positive impact to Indonesia. Ameen. (anw still in doubt, which one should I choose, no 1 or 2? lol)

O.K. That's all for now! Stay tune for the next post! Bye!

P.S: we visited all the places in only one day! Amazing right? lol



arfan said...

wah kangen yogya, sudah 4 tahun tidak maen ke kota itu lagi, blog nya keren

Fikri said...

@arfan wah wah terima kasiihh :) kemarin juga ga sempet jalan2 banyak soalnya cuma 1 hari (efektifnya) heheh

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