Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our Future

Hey my friends, how is your life? Went great huh? Good. Me? Naah, certainly not. You see, i'm in third grade now and of course, get a lot of big responsibilities. For your info, i'm getting stressed because of it. Yeah, it's all about my future, my next education. Lately, i think a lot, weighing the best major and university for me. Hahaha, that's right, i haven't decided any major yet. I'M GALAU MEN! GALAU!!!! Life is full of galauness.

Okay, here, i want to tell you to not get easily influenced by people around you. You should fight for something you wanted to be. Leave it behind, if there's someone mocking your dream, telling you can't be what you want. Don't ever give it up! You should have a strong will and principle. Study a lot, don't waste your time by doing nothing or useless internet surfing (not for blogging, haha) and don't underestimate anything, anyone. Finally, you have to put your best effort to achieve that, and of course pray a lot to God,  and you'll insyaAllah get that.  Me do that too of course! O:)

Hahaha, don't be like me, i have so fragile principle, easily get excited about something my friends telling to me. When my friend told me about Interior Design, i decided to pick it. After sometime, i just left it, and picked another. And so on. Hahaha, fool right? I even regreted picking social study as my major in high school, because suddenly i really wanted to be an architect, my childhood dream. Well, i supposed to be in science study to be exact.

Actually, i have decided to pick International Relation, the reason why i choose social study. And communication study and Law as my secondary options. Fortunately, i get SNMPTN Undangan (PMDK-like) so i get a bigger chance to get in universitas negeri. But for now, i have to concentrate for my final exam, UAN and UAS. ZzZzZzZz.

Anyone, i just need your pray for us, 2011 students!
2011, I know we can pass the test and graduate our high school!!!!!!


By the way anyway busway, on January 22th, Tamimi celebrated her 18th birthday in her house. Since there's only one picture above, i will put some photos from that event and as usual, are not taken and edited by me. I don't have any camera  :'''((((.



 The Bule'ers




 Birthday gurl

For more photos, click here and here


Damar said...

iyah, saya iri! foto2nya asik sekali!
saya jarang masuk di dalam bingkai foto dikarenakan sayalah yang memasukkan teman2 dalam foto haha

Fikri said...

hahaha, saya malah difoto mulu,j arang bgt ngepotret. kamera aja ga punya sama sekali............ huhu

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